I was talking with my roommate about how slow our life is now. As compared to my life in the states before, my life could almost be going backwards now. I don’t even know how I used to do it all. Balancing 3 jobs at 30+ hours a week, 15-17 units of school as a biochemistry major, a sorority, a boyfriend, a cat, family… the list just goes on and on. I also somehow had to squeeze homework and sleep in there. Nowadays life consists of hanging out with friends or having them over for dinner, reading books, running, cooking delicious food, and just sitting. I find myself not doing anything sometimes and being okay with that. Before I always felt like I have to be productive and if I wasn’t being productive then I was wasting my time. I have come to truly appreciate the Malagasy approach to a slow life. Life on the continent of Africa is generally known to be slower than typical daily life in the US. And here in Madagascar I think it’s even more exaggerated since it’s also an island. So not only is it African life, it’s African island life. If something says it starts at a specific time, add at least an hour. And if you want to have a meeting, just know it’s not going to start on time.
But why is this? In the US we perceive this as being disrespectful because we place a value on our time. Here it’s considered the opposite. You are respecting others by stopping to chat with friends or family on the way to a meeting even if you will be “late” for your meeting. But remember late is also relative! Here you are considered on-time as long as the hour hand hasn’t change. So if something begins at 3pm you have until 3:59 to be there on-time. This is because taking care of family and friends is considered more important than a meeting or your job. If your child is sick here, it isn’t even a question whether you take the day off of work or not… you just do. And if you’re walking and trying to get somewhere you have to plan to stop and talk to people. My roommate, who doesn’t know Malagasy, can walk across Ambondrona in a few minutes because she can’t stop and talk to anyone. I on the other hand take at least 10 because inevitably I run into a few friends and have to stop and ask how they are doing and what’s new.

Life has definitely picked up since I arrived in Madagascar. I of course have paperwork that needs to be done, and to-do lists unfinished. But I’m no longer stressed about these things. It’ll get done and it’s not worth making life miserable to get all of these things done. And I came to the conclusion while talking with my roommate that I don’t ever want life to go back to the way it was. And this comes down to the daily recommitment to choosing this kind of life. It may not be easy everyday, but I never want to get to the point in my life again where I prioritize work over relationships or sleep.
I see too many people who think that “one day soon life will slow down” or “maybe someday I won’t have to work so much”. If you ask me, these are all excuses that keep you from truly living life. If you truly want something you’ll find a way to make it happen. And if you really aren’t committed, you won’t. It’s that simple. If life is too chaotic, cut something out. I’m not saying it’s easy, but maybe that’s what needs to happen. And if you want to travel somewhere, find a way to make it possible. Time keeps going, and quickly if you live with the American ideal of time, so I challenge you to make the life you dream of, but start it right now.